Three years ago my life
changed forever. I had played this app called MyNBA2K14 a little and I started
looking for MyNBA2K15 in the iTunes app store. Much to my chagrin, the app I
was looking for had not be released yet. However, the developer Cat Daddy
Games/2K Sports had developed another similar card game called WWE Supercard.
had zero interest in the WWE so I hardly knew anything about it, but I was bored
and thought I’d give it a try. Needless to say, I became what some would call
addicted. Even started two accounts.
The game has grown over the years and can be a little overwhelming for someone not familiar with the app. This blog will help those unfamiliar with the game learn some of the navigation basics and how to play the various game modes and events. But before I get into all of that I just want to share a few
links related to the game that you might find useful if you are interested in
diving into the card battle extravaganza known as WWE Supercard.
Ø Download for Android OS, Apple OS, Amazon OS
Ø Official WWE Supercard
Twitter: @WWESuperCard
Ø Official WWE SupercardBlog